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Traffic-related ultrafine particles hinder mitochondrial functions in olfactory mucosa

Ultrafine particles, UFPs, the smallest contributors to air pollution, hinder the function of mitochondria in human olfactory mucosa cells, a new study shows. The study showed that traffic-related UFPs impair mitochondrial functions in primary human ol…

Study across multiple brain regions discerns Alzheimer’s vulnerability and resilience factors

Genomics and lab studies reveal numerous findings, including a key role for Reelin amid neuronal vulnerability, and for choline and antioxidants in sustaining cognition.

Building a molecular brain map to understand Alzheimer’s disease

Resulting atlas of the aging human brain holds molecular insights into the brain’s vulnerability and resilience.

Study uses Game of Thrones to advance understanding of face blindness

Psychologists have used the hit TV series Game of Thrones to understand how the brain enables us to recognize faces. Their findings provide new insights into prosopagnosia or face blindness, a condition that impairs facial recognition.

Brain care score for dementia and stroke also predicts late-life depression

Researchers have shown that a higher Brain Care Score is also associated with a lower risk of late-life depression. The findings provide further evidence of shared biological risk factors for stroke, dementia and depression and highlight the potential …

Blood pressure high for years? Beware of stroke risk

Years of high systolic blood pressure are linked to a greater risk for the two most common types of stroke. The results suggest that early diagnosis and sustained control of high blood pressure over the lifespan are critical to preventing stroke, espec…